Go Plickers: Utilizing a Student Digital Response System as Formative Assessment

Go Plickers: Utilizing a Student Digital Response System as Formative Assessment

by: Allan Roberto (CME Program Chair)

In today's generation, Gen Z students are surrounded by technologies. Classrooms at schools are also adapting to the new generation by offering various ed-tech solutions for their students. Technology can improve the ability to provide a formative assessment of learners' skills and knowledge during the teaching and instructional process, which can be extremely beneficial to teaching and learning.

Written tests are one of the most widely used formative assessment tools in the classroom today. In spite of this, administering a written test is time-consuming. Also, teachers must grade them before they can get a full picture of how well students are meeting their learning outcomes. It is critical in learning and teaching to provide immediate feedback during the formative assessment process assist students in improving their performance.

Plickers is an assessment tool created by a teacher who was looking for a quick and easy way to check students' comprehension. This assessment tool enables teachers to collect formative assessment data on the spot without requiring students to use devices or paper and pencil. Teachers can use this tool with prior planning or on the go as needed. This tool provides teachers with the data they need to inform their instruction. According to Plickers.com, "It provides students with the opportunity to participate and engage in learning without feeling self-conscious."

As a result, the goal of this best practice is to introduce Plickers, a formative and/or summative assessment tool that can aid in assessing students' cognitive and affective domain performance.

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