"KapeLING: Fueling Minds with Coffee"

"KapeLING: Fueling Minds with Coffee"
  1. . Introduction

This should provide the context and justification for the practice and should address the following issues:

· What is the problem trying to address?

· Which population is being affected?

· How is the problem impacting on the population?

· What were its objectives?

Library is the main venue of students during examination periods. Many students struggle to stay focused and motivated during these challenging periods, often compromising their well-being and academic success. Library also serve as a social hub for the community, providing a space where people can meet and connect over a shared love of books, coffee, and conversation. But as we all know, nowadays only few students can maintain their study habits. We have noticed, only a few students utilize the library as an avenue for their studies (attached is the data on library utilization from previous years during the examination schedule).

This event aims to:

1. Enhance the Academic Performance: Improve students' concentration and cognitive abilities through the provision of caffeine to help them achieve better academic results.

2. Alleviate Stress and Anxiety: Create a more relaxed and stress-free environment for students during exam periods, enabling them to perform at their best without unnecessary pressure.

3. Foster a Supportive Community: Build a sense of camaraderie and support among students, promoting shared experiences and mutual encouragement during exams.

4. Promote Student Well-Being: Prioritize the physical and mental well-being of students by offering a resource that can boost morale and provide a positive outlook during challenging times.

5. Utilization of School Facilities: Encourage students to utilize the library and the learning instructional materials.

6. Value of Library. Promote more the purpose and importance of the library to students’ life.

2. Implementation of the Practice

· What activities were carried out in line with the said best practice?

· When and where were the activities carried out?

· Who were the key implementers and collaborators?

· What were the resource implications?

Hence, the University Library organized an activity, the "KapeLING: Fueling Minds with Coffee," a joint initiative project of the University Library and Readers’ Partner Organization, designed to address this issue by providing students with free cup of coffee located in the BSMT library while studying during their examination period. Through this activity, we believe that we can strengthen more the library utilization of the students during their major examination period and even on ordinary days. Library coffee activity was created to provide a space for students and employees of JBLFMU (Arevalo), Inc. to enjoy coffee or other refreshments while studying or reading in the library. The idea is to create a more inviting and comfortable atmosphere in the library, making it a place where users want to spend more time. This activity is open to all employees of JBLFMU (Arevalo), Inc. and all enrolled students.

3. Results of the Practice – Outputs and Outcomes

· What concrete results were achieved in terms of outputs and outcomes?

· Was an assessment of the practice carried out? If yes, what were the results?

As we conduct the Library activity we have noticed and compared the recorded statistical counts (based in OPAC) the increase of library users by more than 50%. As based on the assessment of the recorded statistics, conducting the said activity is effective to enhance the Library Utilization. (A copy of generated statistics counts from our JLibro System.)

4. Lessons Learnt

· What worked really well – what facilitated this?

· What did not work – why did it not work?

Though we all know that in conducting any activity manpower and budget are always our major problem but, as what we have observed during the activity the enjoyment and reactions of the benefactors cannot be paid off with any amount of money. And based on the recorded statistical count of utilization during the conduct of activity we are amaze how it increase almost in double. Therefore, though it’s hard to sustain this activity we are still eager to pursue the plans and continue conducting this activity for the benefit of the library and for the students.


These are the photos as the evidence during the conduct of the “Kapeling” activity. The students fill-out the attendance form as they participate in the activity.

Students enjoy their cup of coffee or milo with their friends.

· Utilization generated in Library system (via Jlibro) during the first launched of “Kapeling” during the prelim examination period last September, 2023 a TOTAL of 3672 users.

· Utilization generated in Library system (via Jlibro) without the conduct of an activity in the library during last year (September, SY 2022-2023) prelim examination period a TOTAL of 1149 users.