The Integrated Institutional Research Colloquium: A Celebration of Innovation and Collaboration

Emeliza T. Estimo, PhD
Research Coordinator, JBLCF-Bacolod
Innovation does not necessarily have to be about technological advancement. Jain (2023) defines it as bringing about new ideas, methods, products, services, or solutions with a significant positive impact and value. In the JBLFMU Research AOP (Annual Operations Plan), the term encompasses the introduction and development of new ideas or concepts, processes, materials, technologies, models, methods, approaches, or strategies to improve efficiency and effectiveness, address unmet needs, and satisfy stakeholders’ expectations.
When the COVID-19 pandemic blew up in 2020, some research activities had to take a back seat because JBLCF-Bacolod had to align its budget to more pressing needs that could alleviate one of the community’s lowest states. The Research Department had to think of ways to conduct the expected activities while reducing the budget but without jeopardizing quantity and quality based on the expected targets of the department.
How It Used to Be
The Research and Development Center is in charge of hosting the Unit Research Colloquium and Sharing of Best Practices for employees and students, a customary event held annually since 2011, featuring keynote speeches and talks on relevant topics and oral paper presentations by faculty and students. This activity was held separately for employees and students of the College of Maritime Education and the College of Business and Education. Each is allotted a budget of 40 to 60,000 to finance professional honoraria for keynote speakers and paper reactors, transportation of guests, incentives for paper presentations, and a complete set of meals for 50 to 120 participants for two days, depending on the scope of the event. This activity serves as an avenue for disseminating research findings and sharing best practices adopted by various departments to improve their work systems for better delivery of services to satisfy stakeholders’ expectations. With how things were done before, preparation time was made possible in three separate schedules, inviting three sets of keynote speakers and reactors and involving the Unit Research Committee to work three times. Classes of participating instructors also had to be interrupted thrice. The Senior High School was not yet part of this event before.
Unit Research Colloquium as Three Separate Events on Different Dates |
College of Maritime Education
Combined with the College of Business and Education (Employees) § 1 Keynote Speaker § 3 Paper
Presentations by Faculty (Two by the CME and 1 by the CBE) § 3 Paper Reactors § 0 Sharing Best
Practices (Sharing of Best Practices was only done at the System Level) § 40,000 to 60,000
Budget |
No Research Colloquium for the Senior High School |
College of Maritime Education
(Students) § 1 Keynote Speaker § 3 Paper Presentations
by Students § 3 Paper Reactors § 0 Sharing Best
Practices § 40,000 to 50,000
Budget |
College of Business &
Education (Students) § 1 Keynote Speaker § 3 Paper
Presentations by Students § 3 Paper Reactors § 0 Sharing Best
Practices § 40,000 to 50,000 Budget |
Introducing Innovations
As a practical and cost-effective way of holding the event, the Unit Research Colloquium and Sharing of Best Practices has been modified to lump together the used-to-be separate activities into one, thereby staging one plenary program to hold together all the events in the morning, with an invited Keynote Speaker to speak about the theme of the event, followed by presentations of best innovative practices, parallel sessions after lunch, and a closing program in the afternoon, all on the same day.
In recent years, the Sharing of Best Practices only transpired at the system level. However, when the innovations were introduced, they were made part of the event in JBLCF-Bacolod. Eventually, the winning presentation of innovative practices in JBLCF-Bacolod is sent to represent the unit in the System Research Colloquium & Sharing of Best Practices. The presentation of best practices has been improved to highlight “innovations”; hence, it is now called “presentation of best innovative practices.” The infusion of the word “innovative” emphasizes the presentation of new processes, approaches, models, techniques, or strategies adopted by various departments to improve from the previous systems they were practicing while addressing stakeholders’ feedback. The presenters are no other than the department heads themselves, who discuss and share the breakthroughs and innovations that their departments have adopted to enhance the quality of instruction and to improve the quality of services they are providing for the clients.

Unit Research
Colloquium and Sharing of Best Innovative Practices (All in One Day) |
PROGRAM (Morning,
Main Hall) (Plenary
Session with all participants in attendance faculty & students
representing all departments and programs) 1 Keynote
Speaker 3
Presentations of Best Innovative Practices (BIP) Reaction to
the BIP presented: Academic Director |
Presentations (Afternoon,
Assigned Rooms) |
Session 1
(Employees) 1 Session Manager 1 set of Jury 3 to 4 Paper Presentations |
Session 2 (Students-College
of Maritime Education) 1 Session Manager 1 set of Jury 3 to 4 Paper Presentations |
Session 3 (Students-College
of Business and Education) 1 Session Manager 1 set of Jury 3 to 4 Paper Presentations |
Session 4 (Students-Senior
High School) 1 Session Manager 1 set of Jury 3 to 4 Paper Presentations |
PROGRAM (With all
the participants returning to the Main Hall) Reaction
(Paper Presentations): Research Director Awarding of
the following certificates: Certificate
of Participation Certificate
of Recognition for the Presenters, Reactors, Jury, & Winners END |

After a lunch break, the activity resumes with the parallel paper presentations of the faculty and staff (Parallel Session 1) and the students of the different departments (Parallel Sessions 2, 3, and 4) assigned in different rooms. In each session, where 3 to 4 papers are presented, a Session Manager and a jury of three research experts are assigned to facilitate and serve as judges. A question-and-answer portion follows after all the papers in each session have been presented. The parallel sessions simultaneously end at the same time, after which all participants are directed to return to the main hall where the Closing Program takes place. In closing, the Research Director gives his reaction to the papers presented. This is followed by the Awarding of Certificates of Participation, Certificates of Recognition for the Presenters, Certificates of Appreciation for the Reactors and Jury, and Certificates of Recognition to the winners of the Best Paper Presentations (one from each session receives this award), Best Presentation of Innovations, as well as a Certificate of Commendation for the winning Department.

Benefits and Advantages Gained from the Innovations
Implementing the innovations made on how the Unit Research Colloquium & Sharing of Best Innovative Practices is hosted has brought about the following benefits and advantages:
1. More employees and students can present their papers in a bigger forum, widening the space for disseminating research findings and recommendations.
2. With the parallel sessions as an added feature, all academic departments have been adequately represented. Senior High School students have now become part of this big event.
3. The budget allotted for hosting one combined event from the former three separate events has been reduced from 150,000 to 180,000 pesos to 80,000, cutting the expenses by 60%.
4. The members of the Unit Research Committee who serve as the working committee have only one event to prepare for instead of three, reducing the workload. They can also harness their research knowledge and skills, serving as members of the jury as they review and critique the research done by students.
5. Other departments have been challenged to innovate as they now have an avenue through which they can share the best of what they have. Through this, the Department Heads have become more engaged in ensuring that what they do is widely disseminated for better awareness.
6. The certificates and awards received by the winning participants have motivated them to perform at their best as they give honor and pride to the departments they represent.
This innovative way of holding the Unit Research Colloquium & Sharing of Best Innovative Practices has engaged and empowered more people as they claim involvement and shared ownership of the yearly success of the event, solidifying the spirit of teamwork among the employees and students in JBLCF-Bacolod.

The transformation of the Unit Research Colloquium and Sharing of Best Innovative Practices at JBLCF-Bacolod exemplifies how innovation can enhance academic engagement and operational efficiency. By consolidating previously separate events into a single, comprehensive forum, the institution has reduced costs by 60% and expanded participation among faculty and students, including the newly included Senior High School. This innovative approach has fostered a collaborative environment, empowering department heads to showcase their advancements and encouraging a shared ownership and teamwork culture. As a result, the event has become a vital platform for disseminating research findings and best practices, ultimately contributing to improved educational quality and stakeholder satisfaction. The success of this initiative underscores the importance of adaptability and creativity in institutional research endeavors, ensuring that JBLCF-Bacolod continues to meet the evolving needs of its community. The JB-RDC extends its heartfelt appreciation to Engr. Roberto Neal Sobrejuanite, former Administrator of JBLCF-Bacolod, along with the dedicated Department Heads, members of the Unit Research Committee, and all employees and students. Your unwavering solidarity and teamwork have been instrumental as we strive to advance JBLCF-Bacolod’s research initiatives. Together, we are making significant strides toward achieving our research objectives and enhancing our institution’s impact.